Client Evaluations
Environmental, geotechnical, industrial, hazardous and groundwater services - Virginia - GeoEnvironmental Resources, Inc.
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Soil stiffness constitutive model parameters for geotechnical problems: A dilatometer testing approach

Soil stiffness constitutive model parameters are required when nvestigating and/or modeling stress-related deformations in geotechnical problems. The seismic dilatometer test (SDMT) can be used to determine various stiffness related parameters. This paper discusses utilizing SDMT to determine the hardening plasticity parameters for the tangent modulus from primary oedometer loading (Eoed), secant modulus in drained triaxial test (E50) , and unloading/reloading modulus (Eur), along with the nonlinear small strain stiffness input parameters for the initial reference shear modulus (Go) at very small strains and shear strain (γ0.7) at which Gs=0.722Go. The SDMT also provides evaluations of the soil strength and stress history for input into numerical simulations.