
Years of Experience: 43
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Virginia Tech
Personal Registration
Professional Engineer in Virginia
Licensed Asbestos Inspector in Virginia
Professional Memberships
Member of the American Society of Engineers,
National Society of Professional Engineers
Virginia Society of Engineers
American Nuclear Society
American Society of Naval Engineers
Continuing Education
Risk Assessments for Environmental Professionals
Contaminant Fate and Transport Using API Decision Support Software
Asbestos Inspector Training Course - Old Dominion University
Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology - Princeton University
Senior Executive Course - Manchester University, Manchester, England
Mr. Adcock has a thorough knowledge of Industrial and Manufacturing facilities throughout the USA. He is responsible for the Industrial Division within GER. He is very experienced with Nuclear Power and its specialized environmental problems. As a (GS-12) Nuclear Engineer for the U.S. Naval Shipyard, he was responsible for the maintenance and repair of primary nuclear plant components, i.e., steam generators and main coolant piping. He directed a fast response team of mechanics, engineers and support personnel to undertake steam generator repairs within a moments notice throughout the world for the U.S. Navy. His responsibilities included development procedures, specifications, tooling design, and training to ensure the safety of the mechanics as well as the components. Radioactive materials and radiation exposure were of primary concern. Much of the repair was on highly contaminated and radioactive material; therefore, considerations were necessary to minimize risks.
Mr. Adcock is responsible for the Environmental Compliance & Industrial Division within GER. He has a thorough knowledge of Industrial and Manufacturing facilities throughout the USA. His experience includes a wide range of environmental issues regarding air, soil and water pollution. He is experienced with the development and implementation of UST/AST Management Programs including data gathering, risk assessment, remediation, prevention of future problems, and liaison with regulatory authorities to ensure compliance. He has directed engineering studies as necessary to perform detailed site characterization reports (SCRs), aboveground storage tank facility closure reports, risk assessments including the use of detailed computer modeling, waste minimization analysis, groundwater quality investigations, etc. He has also directed and conducted many Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Phase II Environmental Site Assessments, Hazardous Waste Closure Plans, etc.
Executive Vice President

Years of Experience: 45
Previous Adjunct Professor of Engineering - 11 Years
Foundation Engineering, Undergraduate and Graduate Levels
Old Dominion University
Bachelor of Science in Geology
The College of William and Mary
Master of Science in Civil Engineering
Virginia Tech
Personal Registration
Professional Engineer in Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland, South Carolina and Georgia
Professional Memberships
Member of the American Society of Engineers
National Society of Professional Engineers
Virginia Society of Professional Engineers
National Groundwater Association
Deep Foundations Institute
Academy of Geo-Professionals
Continuing Education
Geotechnical Foundation Systems - Georgia Tech
LRFD Design of Shallow Foundations
LRFD Design of Driven Piles
LRFD Design of Drilled Shafts
GRL WEAP Workshop for Analysis of Driven Piles
Shear Wave Velocity Profiling and Its Importance to Seismic Design
Geosynthetic Reinforced Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls
Analysis and Design of Veneer Cover Soils for Landfills
Contaminant Vapor Barrier Selection for New and Existing Sites
Enhanced In-Situ Testing for Geotechnical Analyses & Foundation Design – Georgia Tech
Helical Anchors/Piles – Deep Foundation Institute
Designing with Tensar Geogrids
Effect of Foundation Deformations on Bridge Structures
Pervious Pavement Design
The Seismic Coefficient Method for Slope and Retaining Wall Design
Considerations of Induced Ground Deformations on Deep Foundation Designs
IBM PC Applications in Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology, Princeton University
Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology - Princeton University
MT3D Risk Assessment for Environmental Professionals Using API Decision Software
Contaminant Fate and Transport Using API Decision Support Software
Mr. Barnhill has held key technical and managerial positions in the areas of environmental and geotechnical engineering. He had been an adjunct professor of engineering at Old Dominion University teaching foundation engineering for 11 years. He has been involved in over 6000 projects nationally and overseas, but predominantly located on the east coast from Maine to Florida. Projects have included DOD projects, such as the Pentagon Basement Renovation, commercial buildings, large industrial and waterfront facilities, coal terminals, landfills, roadways, bridges, slope stability, underwater slopes, bulkhead design, underwater retaining walls, foundations, soft soil response, ground reinforcement, and ground improvement. He has developed computer programming in various formats to analyze and evaluate several geotechnical issues. Recently, he has added finite element modeling to enhance company geotechnical abilities. Using the FE method, the company can now evaluate more complex problems that are difficult or impossible to do with conventional methods.
His environmental experience includes Phase I environmental assessments, Phase II contamination assessments, and Phase III contamination site characterization and risk assessments. He has performed groundwater monitoring, aquifer testing, and computer modeling to evaluate contaminant transport, closed loop groundwater remediation systems and 3D groundwater withdrawal using MODFLOW.
Specialized Expertise
- In-situ testing for soil properties
- Pavement design
- Shallow and deep foundation systems
- Waterfront structures
- Modeling of soft soil response
- Ground improvements through dynamic compaction, surcharging, and geofabrics
- Geo-instrumentation
- Computer applications for geotechnical and environmental engineering
- Phase I through III environmental assessments
- Groundwater flow and contaminant fate and transport modeling
- Contaminated groundwater extraction modeling
- Groundwater supply modeling
Project Geologist

Years of Expereince: 31
Bachelor of Science in Geology
Old Dominion University
Master of Science in Geology
Old Dominion University
Professional Registration
Professional Geologist in Virginia
Licensed Geologist in North Carolina
Continuing Education
American Petroleum Institute LNAPL Workshop, NGWA Conference
Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Assessment, and Remediation, National Ground Water Association Conference
North Carolina Owner/Operator Day: jointly sponsored by NCDENR and NCPMA, Raleigh, NC
Principles and Application of Windows-based Groundwater Modeling and Risk Assessment Software. Geraghty & Miller, Inc. Workshop: New Orleans, LA
North Carolina Consultant's Day: sponsored by NCDENR, Raleigh, NC
Environmental Remediation in North Carolina: Raleigh, NC
Virginia Consultant's Day: sponsored by the Virginia State Water Control Board
OSHA 40-hour Hazardous Waste Operations Course
Asbestos Identification: McCrone Research Institute, Chicago, IL
Mr. Rogan has more than 30 years experience in the environmental field including environmental geology, geology, and hydrogeology. He is currently responsible for environmental projects at GER which include Phase I, Phase II and Phase III Environmental Site Assessments, groundwater contamination problem assessments, and underground storage tank evaluations. His work experience includes groundwater use evaluations, property contamination assessments and remedial actions toward contamination problems.
Photos by Rori Dellinger Photography